Since 2024, side as my wife, we challenging to track all days income and outcome. Using this we manage better our cashflow and can give us a chance to save some money a side. In this article i'll show how we do with a simple Google Sheet - downloadable here.

There are four sheet in this document, analyze eache ones.


It's a simple resume of most importants data. In this screenview you can get totals differenced by income and outcome and averages of income and outcome per month.

Income / Outcome

That's literally a place, if decide to use di Spreadsheet, where you spent a lot part of your time in this sheet. You can manage date, description, income and outcome, category and if that row is recursively or not. Inserting the description, today's date is automatic generated, then you can set income or outcome (with a positive number in the first case, negative in the second). In a row you can set a "expense category". Where you can define your personal categories? In Categories Tab.


In this sheet you can find a pre-seeded categories. After column named "Category" there a column named "Net %". You can insert you category and after insert how is the net of your income of this row.

You can see the how it works in the category "Freelance". In my case, every income will be taxed by 32% so my net it's the 68%. Setting the 68 percent in the Net column automatically in every row of "Income / Outcome" will summed only the net of 68%.


The latest sheet has a list of every income and outcome summed per month. In this sheet you can view the balance between income and outcome.


That's all, track you moneys and challenge yourself to enjoy your life and try save as much you can!