Camiseta Digital Tees
Camiseta Digital Tees is a website where you can find a lot of printables poster of my favs Soccert Tees.
Pizza Maker
PizzaMaker is simple website (or PWA) where you can find the proportions to make a perfect pizza dough.
QR (Really Free)
A simple QR code generator that allows you to create QR codes for free (really, no paywall after some times).
My personal tools to improve my FantaCalcio (Fantasy Football) skills. You can find a lot of data and stats about Serie A players in the latest years. In this way you can reduce the risk of your fantasy team.
I Consigli di un Pirla
I Consigli di un Pirla is a mini podcast where i talk about my freelancing life with tips and tricks to improve doesn't my errors.